Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (2025)

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  • paracletus

  • May 19, 2015
  • #2

in some ways I like the visuals more than AC
The rain is brilliant


Steve Bird

Come On Williams!
  • Steve Bird

  • May 19, 2015
  • #3

Good news. Now all I have to ask is when we get those effects and weather in AC?


Andrew Harper

  • Andrew Harper

  • May 20, 2015
  • #4

Thanks for the link to the site, just downloading the demo now to see what it's like.

Like mentioned above, it is puzzling that they would go to all that effort to implement such a complex weather system but not develop something like that for AC. Fingers crossed....



Deleted member 130869

  • Deleted member 130869

  • May 20, 2015
  • #5

Got it installed and already procured a bunch of tracks. I am struggling to get the actual FFB to work, I get resistance but no detail at the moment with my Fanatec GT3RS v2. This is driving much smoother than I remember from the demo 4 years ago once they finally addressed all the glitches and returned from the NetBikes fiasco.



  • Yapci

  • May 20, 2015
  • #6

It was 3.99 last year when I bought it...almost freeware! Anyway, good sim to have in your hd


David Wright

  • David Wright

  • May 20, 2015
  • #7

Andrew Harper said:

Thanks for the link to the site, just downloading the demo now to see what it's like.

Like mentioned above, it is puzzling that they would go to all that effort to implement such a complex weather system but not develop something like that for AC. Fingers crossed....

The answer is precisely because of their experience with NKPro. They added rain and it had little impact on sales. They added a Fiat 500 and it had a big impact on sales. Conclusion: sim racers are far more interested in licensed content than rain. The sales success of AC without rain does seem to confirm their motto that everyone wants to race in the rain in the dark, but only once.



Thomas Alderton

  • Thomas Alderton

  • May 20, 2015
  • #8

wait, whats the point in it going freeware if there is no AI and no online servers? how does that work?


Andrew Harper

  • Andrew Harper

  • May 20, 2015
  • #9

David Wright said:

The answer is precisely because of their experience with NKPro. They added rain and it had little impact on sales. They added a Fiat 500 and it had a big impact on sales. Conclusion: sim racers are far more interested in licensed content than rain. The sales success of AC without rain does seem to confirm their motto that everyone wants to race in the rain in the dark, but only once.

Yes I agree with you, but judging by all the users going crazy for the dynamic weather in Project Cars there is a fan base for it Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (6)

I loved GTR2 because it had the day/night races and the weather. Even though it was very frustrating at times! Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (7)

Anyway, AC is a great sim and if they want to add weather, great, if they don't it's not a problem Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (8)




  • olimac

  • May 20, 2015
  • #10

That is great news, NKP is my favorite hot lap, relax sim. How can I get a pay code if they are no longer providing them. I want to unlock the whole thing. Anybody willing to share one of theirs? I wrote to them but no reply so far.


Tobias Liesaus

  • Tobias Liesaus

  • May 24, 2015
  • #11

Hello, i wanted to reinstall Netkar Pro, but couldnt find my paycode. on the official website there is a "recieve your paycode" per email automaically form, but i didnt recieve the code yet. how long does it take normally? its about 4 days now...



Thomas Alderton

  • Thomas Alderton

  • May 24, 2015
  • #12

Andrew Harper said:

Yes I agree with you, but judging by all the users going crazy for the dynamic weather in Project Cars there is a fan base for it Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (10)

I loved GTR2 because it had the day/night races and the weather. Even though it was very frustrating at times! Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (11)

Anyway, AC is a great sim and if they want to add weather, great, if they don't it's not a problem Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (12)

Yes I can see a fan base for this game but their are no servers for these fans to be racing on so its just a you alone on a track driving in circles? correct me if I'm wrong




  • sberns

  • Dec 6, 2015
  • #13

I was also wondering now that it's considered freeware, would anyone be willing to share their pay code for others to try it who never had it before. I emailed them but no response. Thanks!




  • tigermilk

  • Dec 8, 2015
  • #14

Steve Bernstein said:

I was also wondering now that it's considered freeware, would anyone be willing to share their pay code for others to try it who never had it before. I emailed them but no response. Thanks!

If you google "netkar pro freeware jamoz" you'll find a code.




  • Ho3n3r

  • Dec 8, 2015
  • #15

Steve Bernstein said:

I was also wondering now that it's considered freeware, would anyone be willing to share their pay code for others to try it who never had it before. I emailed them but no response. Thanks!

Why would you need a paycode if it's freeware?




  • sberns

  • Dec 8, 2015
  • #16

I actually don't know why they did it like this, probably because they didn't want to spend any more time on the code. Everywhere online including the official website states that it's freeware now, but they didn't change the software, just stopped checking activation codes. So apparently you have to enter a preexisting code but it is fully legitimate for everyone to use the same code now.

Tiger milk, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!



  • xnorb

  • Dec 17, 2015
  • #17

As it's not illegal and was shared by the owner himself, here's the code:


Found in the comment section of this site:

Havent tested myself, so don't hunt me down with torches and forks if it doesn't work Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (14)



  • DaVeX↯

  • Dec 21, 2015
  • #18

No hope to host servers?Maybe modding or hacking it?

This game can be still used as Racing School...




  • CC

  • Jul 12, 2017
  • #19

Awesome game becomes freeware and not even more than 1 page of comments Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (16)
Best game on PC ......



  • DaVeX↯

  • Jul 12, 2017
  • #20

chargingcar said:

Awesome game becomes freeware and not even more than 1 page of comments Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (18)
Best game on PC ......

2015 news mate...


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Netkar Pro goes freeware in December (2025)
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